These comps are focused around cycling through ultimate abilities through high rates of energy gain. Bad against Alna Graveborn, Ainz Merlin.

Good against burst teams, stall comp, standard Ainz. Prevent enemies from using their Ultimates with Lucretia's F9, getting backed by the Cycle Core (Rowan, Ezizh, and Twins) an energy boost from Skreg's F9. Bad against Heavy sustain and tankiness. The goal is to quickly burst down the enemies before they have a chance to interact. When countering this team, mirror the formation but remove Talene for Saurus or use Burst, and DPS the non-Talene side.

When countering this comp, use high burst heroes like Gwyneth paired with a Lorsan link on Ainz to try and immediately shut down the DPS. When countering this formation, use strong damage resistant heroes like Thoran or Talene, or interrupt Eironn and Gwyneth with early disruption such as Athalia, Nara, or Nakoruru. When attempting to counter this team, try to Lorsan link the enemy Ainz and use Gwyneth or high levels of burst to kill Ainz!