For being a pretty short experience, it does a great job of building the world around the player. The sweeping landscapes while going from town to town also tells a story, as you’ll see war torn battlefields and peaceful lands lit up by fights at night. The game holds a decent amount of backstory, whether you find it by reading or simply taking in the scenes you come across in town. If you use too much ammo you may choose to die so you can optimize the way you survive the battle. Not entirely, but it creates an expectation for fights to turn out a certain way. Sadly, when you are low on life and you do get killed from a surprise attack, the checkpoint system will almost always set you back where you were. Maybe there are people in it, maybe it’s empty, or maybe you get jumped. Each building is blacked out until you open a door, lighting the room it’s connected to. The majority of the experience will take place in the exploration aspect, where you encouter a lot the story. The game is broken into two different types of gameplay: town exploration and train traversal. But it soon becomes a dangerous endeavor as you go up against the unknown silhouettes that are out for blood. At first it’s a simple task of finding it within a locker or having someone print it out. The train gets locked into a barrier and can only be released with the security code.

Each stop you make will require you to explore the area to find the security code to progress. You’ll find yourself speaking with people on an IM type of service, fixing the electricity, keeping the train from overheating, and more as you progress. The train itself has a few things you can interact with, including med kits and food for passengers. When you finally set out for your next town on the train, you’ll have a passenger that has a life and hunger meter. On the way you can talk to citizens, pick up items, and read notes.

Are you up to the challenge? Is it worth it? The Final Station starts off simple enough: you wake up and head to work through a 2D side scrolling town. You A world is at its end, a single train travels the Earth, and an unknown threat appears out of nowhere. A world is at its end, a single train travels the Earth, and an unknown threat appears out of nowhere.