Make your priority to research, learn less familiar topics, and practice a lot. Pointers on Tackling Coding Challenges for Your Tech Interviewīefore diving into the challenges, let’s go through some tips about how you could approach your tech interview. They’re not among the hardest ones you could come across in the interview process, but the way you approach each of them could make the difference between success and failure. In this article, I’m going to show how you can tackle five common coding challenges you might be asked when interviewing for a JavaScript or front-end Junior Developer position. Whatever we feel about the way candidates are screened for dev jobs, at the time of writing, coding challenges are still a big part of the interview process. Interviewing as a Front-End Engineer in San Francisco I’d rather hire a smart person and teach them X than hire someone who knows everything about X but lacks creativity, logic, and reasoning. While this can be true, those who favor this approach and are responsible for hiring in these companies often say something like this: Especially when it comes to front-end interview questions, sometimes it’s curious how what’s missing in the interview are just front-end-related questions on things like browser compatibility, layout methods and DOM events.

One complaint that’s usually made against coding challenges is that they’re mostly irrelevant to the day-to-day tasks the actual job requires. Not all companies use the same screening process, but for the most part, expect to be asked to solve a coding challenge, either on a suitable platform or on the dreaded whiteboard. It’s a sensitive topic, especially when it comes to coding challenges. The way tech interviews are being carried out has been at the center of much controversy for a while now.