Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_jp2/(Bradford Books) Stuart M. Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0008.jp-09-30 18:56 189515 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0007.jp-09-30 18:56 105976 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0006.jp-09-30 18:56 203060

Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0005.jp-09-30 18:56 129087 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0004.jp-09-30 18:56 118120 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0003.jp-09-30 18:56 13620 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0002.jp-09-30 18:56 144890

Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0001.jp-09-30 18:56 56460 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_0000.jp-09-30 18:56 17528 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_jp2/ 19:02 Shieber - The Turing Test_ Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence-The MIT Press (2004)_jp2.zip file as jpg timestamp size